Reykjavik to Keflavik, September 12, 2019

First a few catch-up moments! First, about the economic situation in Iceland. We learned early on that 1,000 Icelandic kroner (ISK) is about ten dollars, so it’s pretty easy to figure our what you’re spending. And since it’s really a little less, you get a pleasant surprise when you check your credit-card bill! And about credit cards - everyone uses cards for everything. You have to have a card with a chip and you usually need to know your pin as well. All that said, there is quite a bit of sticker shock when you buy anything, from food to souvenirs to anything else. What we didn’t know is that it is as difficult for the Icelanders as it is for tourists. Our guide last night said his mom bought a tiny little place twenty-six years ago and not only is she still paying on it; but she owes more now than at the start! Most people work two jobs just to break even. Other fun facts - there are 350,000 Icelanders and...