Kirkjubaejarklaustur to Westmann Island, September 9, 2019

We were so beat last night that we went to bed at 8:30!! And slept in a bit this morning, too! Breakfast had fresh waffles as an addition to the classic Icelandic offerings. The wifi passcode is ilovewaffles!! After breakfast we chatted with our hostess, whose name is spelled Diana, although out is pronounced differently. She and her husband just bought the guest house two years ago and are gradually remodeling it. He is also a house painter and they moved from Reyjkevik. She actually lived in a small town outside the city that has Viking roots and suggested that we might find it interesting! They have four kids from six to twenty! And the whole family is going to Orlando on vacation. To warm/dry your shoes! When we ask about the puffins in Westmann, Diana tells us that when the baby birds get confused about where to fly, the locals gather them up, but them in a box over night, and throw them into the ocean i...