Borgarnes to Stykkisholmur - August 28, 2019

What a glorious night’s sleep! The temperature is perfect, the beds are just soft enough, and the duvet is the ideal weight! I sleep straight through until morning, and Marilyn does, too! There was a slight scare last night when the power blipped and her CPAP shut down! Luckily she had bought a battery pack for the plane trip and so she connected that, in case there was another outage. There wasn’t, but you never know! In the morning I have time to do my yoga before she is really functional and we go down to a leisurely breakfast around nine. The spread is very European, with meats, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh-baked bread, spreads, lots of cereal choices, and fresh apple and orange slices. The coffee is fresh and hot and there is hot water for tea or hot chocolate. After breakfast we chat with Dugar and learn that the photos on the wall are all the people who have owned the property, including the RIVER!, sin...