Hella to Reykjavik, September 11, 2019

The countdown is beginning. From here we go to Reykjavik for about twenty-four hours, then to Keyflavik and home. Sigh. We have a lovely breakfast with several different freshly-baked breads and waffles and the other traditional Icelandic breakfast treats. And we have a great conversation with our hostess, who explains to us about the Icelandic government, and who shares our views of our president. (Seems like everyone we meet outside of the US feels the same way!) Winner of three Trip Advisor awards! Some fall color in her front yard! Very easy to drink, Viking arctic berry ale! We trek everything out to the car and take a few minutes to figure out our next move. We’re still planning on going to the Viking Village, since one should never ignore a recommendation from a local resident! We get really close; but the turn doesn’t say Viking Village and it takes some comparing of our various maps to decide where we...